All posts related to building my roubo work bench
Work Bench
Birch Bench: Under Bench Cabinet
Birch Bench 11: Flattening Top, Leg Vise Install, T-Track and Finishing
Birch Bench 9: Leg Mortises, Sliding Deadman Slot and Assembly
Birch Bench 8: Wagon Vise and End Caps
Birch Bench 7: The Bench Top Sub-Assemblies
Birch Bench 6: Leg Tenons, Drawbores and Gluing Base
Birch Bench 5: Leg Vise (Criss Cross and Screw)
Birch Bench 4: Long Stretchers, Hand Planing, and Deadman
Birch Bench 3 – Legs, Short Stretchers, Mortises