I had a unique opportunity to build a flowbench. You are probably asking, what the heck is a flowbench and it doesn’t sound like furniture or a cabinet. Well stay tuned and I will explain
Continue reading Building PTS FlowbenchCategory Archives: Shop Projects
Jointer Upgrades
I have been on the lookout for a used 8″ jointer for the past 6 months or longer. All of a sudden I had one fall into my lap. (Figuratively, so I was fine). The jointer was in great shape and only needed some light surface rust removed and just a general cleaning. I had three items to update on the jointer: Replace knives with a spiral (helical) cutter head, longer power cord, and 6″ dust collection.
Continue reading Jointer Upgradessetting up supermax 19-38
Earlier in they year, I had ordered a new drum sander. It took a few months to be delivered, but I finally have the Supermax 19-38 in my shop. In November, I built a dedicated rolling cabinet for the drum sander and it now is the time to see how well the cabinet works out. I also took some time to properly assemble and calibrate the sander.
Continue reading setting up supermax 19-38Rolling Drum Sander Cabinet
I have recently purchased a Supermax 19-38 drum sander. The drum sander was on back order, so in the meantime, I decided to build a rolling cabinet for it. The sander does come with a metal base, but it has no storage and I have heard it can be a little rickety once casters are added. One other detail is that I have also purchased the folding infeed/outfeed tables, so they need to be accounted for in the design.
Continue reading Rolling Drum Sander CabinetMiter saw dust collection improvement
Earlier in the year I built this massive miter saw station. The dust collection for the miter saw itself was very functional and worked. I would notice when cutting larger panels that quite a bit of dust would not be captured and would end up on the surface.
Continue reading Miter saw dust collection improvementMiter saw station
After a long hiatus from the shop, I was able to work on the largest shop project I have ever tackled. A mega miter saw station

Building an Outfeed Table
After getting settled into our new house and performing a lot of renovations, I was able to sneak in a shop project. My new shop is a bit larger than my old one (24X20 instead of 20X20) and allows me a dedicated out feed table for my table saw. Previously, I was using my workbench as the out feed table, which worked well, but reduced the usefulness of my workbench. Below is the finished product with a matching drawer and large lower cavity on the other side.

Miter Saw Wings and Dust collection
After I moved the planer to its own rolling cabinet, I permanently mounted the miter saw to a rolling stand. In order to provide better material support and make repeatable cuts, I needed to build some wings on the left and right sides. Here is a finished picture of the project and a link to the Youtube Video
Continue reading Miter Saw Wings and Dust collectionRolling Cabinet For PLaner
As my shop space evolves, I figure out new ways to move tools around or make my work flow a little smoother. For the past couple of years I have been mounting my miter saw on my router table when I wanted to use it. The router table doesn’t have any support on the Left or Right, so it wasn’t that useful. It also means that I can’t use my router table until I dismount my miter saw.
Continue reading Rolling Cabinet For PLaner